Monday, April 11, 2011


I found this pattern on google images I like this pattern because This illusion consists of three patterns that are completely still. However, when looking at it, it seems as though it’s moving. which make this pattern unique in a way.

I got this pattern from google images, the reason I found this pattern interesting is because it shows there are unique patterns in nature. This pattern is a picture of a Bee Hive honeycomb and you can see many hexagon like figures evenly connected to each other.

Diamond Pattern Satin Fabric Texture Five Vital Black & White Photography Tips

I got this pattern from google images, i found this pattern interesting because it only uses the colors black and white. But the diamond like patterns combined with the black and white colors are both as equally important in giving this pattern rich textures.

I got this pattern from google images. I found this patter very interesting because this pattern seems to have depth to it when looking from top to bottom the pattern goes from large to small which gives the image a tunnel like illusion.

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