Sunday, April 24, 2011

A03 - Hunting Down Design

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This assignment was very adventurous and exciting as me and my partner Dan Comai explored the OSU Campus, also with Zack S and Bridget M. First we headed off to the Wexner Center to take a picture in front of the building that was designed by Peter Eiseman. Something that I found very interesting is that it is said that the building was built with no 90 degree angles. This is our photo from clue 3.

Our next stop was to find clue 4 but first we had to do some google research to find which building on OSU campus that the famous architect by the name of Philip Johnson designed. The building that we found was the Science and Engineering Library. The Architectural detail that I found interesting was the arch of the entrance. This is our photo below.

Our next stop was to find clues 1 and 2 in that particular order. We headed to the Knowlton School of Architecture to discover some chairs. First off was the Barcelona chair. The Barcelona chair was designed by Mies van der Rohe. Something I found interesting about the chair is that it was built over 50 years ago and its design has lasted this long.

The chair that I sat in for clue 2 was only a couple feet away from the Barcelona chair. The chair was built like a sunken in triangle with very comfortable cushioning. The magazine I was reading was Modernism Magazine. This photo is below.

Our final destination was clue 5 the building that was designed by local architects Acock & Associates was Thompson Library. Something I found interesting about the building is that The design team for the original building was selected in 1910 through an architectural competition. The winners of the competition, Allen and Collins of Boston, were charged with bringing the library to life. Later that year, Allen and Collins drew up a formal proposal, which they presented to OSU's Board of Trustees for approval.

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