Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Journal 09: Coleman Project - Personal Documentation

Teammates Blogs

Dan Comai

Our team worked on the Coleman Fit we wanted to create a product that gave the user a exercising experience but most of all give the user a nature-like, natural, and fun experience. So our team decided design a fully functional treadmill with automatic incline which adjusts accordingly to the designated paths on the Wii game that plays through your own television which can be placed onto a completely optional television stand built in. Another decision we made was to make different locations to run on within the game whether it be Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon, and etc. Before our final decision to make this product we all stayed open minded and brainstormed our idea on each part of the product to see what was best for the user and client.

What I contributed to the project was I gave all designs their final touches such as the product itself, the packaging, and kiosk. My role was being responsible for the design process of the product itself in designing the treadmill and the software for it. What I brought to the table was to help convey that even though our product is for exercise we want the user to forget about exercising by being connected through nature in the game, and having fun. What I felt I did well was explaining in great detail how our product was to revolutionize the treadmill and gaming experience. I think what I could have done more was to do much more research on the materials of treadmills. I feel very satisfied about our product and am looking forward to working on more.

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